Gaocheng Huatai wire drawing plant cages is the coop, pigeon cage, cage, fox breeding livestock and poultry, livestock feed, livestock drinking device turd splint, livestock waterline, the pneumatic group, C nail, M nail group cage clamp, manual, breeding cage accessories and cold wire drawing products such as professional production and processing co***ny, has a complete, scientific quality management system. Gaocheng Huatai wire cages factory integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. Welcome all friends to visit, guidance and business negotiation. Willing to work with you to create brilliant, win-win!
The following are the main products: model: three layer four door 96 chickens
蛋鸡笼制作及规格:材 质:优质普通碳素钢丝Q235。冷拔高线制 作:拉直、布模、排焊、点焊,剪裁、定型、镀锌、铬钝化。丝 径(㎜):2.95、2.64、2.35。孔 径(㎜):25×100\50×50\50×100\30×100\30×120。底 片(㎜): 丝径2.35-2.64孔径25×120\50×120:前上片(㎜): 丝径2.35-2.95孔径50×60\50×120。左右片(㎜): 丝径2.35-2.50孔径30×100\30×160。长×宽: 前高/后高:门/只: 套/组: 只/组 价格1880×340 370/320/ 4/ 4 6 96只 1950×350 370/320/ 5/ 3 6 90只 1970×340 390/340/ 5/ 4 6 120只 每组六套,每套四—五门,每门三—四只配件:料槽:12米/组、饮水器:24-30个/组、水管:13米/组、水箱: 雏鸡笼制作及规格材 质:优质普通碳素钢丝Q235。冷拔高线制 作:拉直、布模、排焊、点焊,剪裁、定型、镀锌、铬钝化。丝 径(㎜):2.03、2.35、2.65。孔 径(㎜):15×100\30×100\50×50\50×100\底 片(㎜): 丝径2.03-2.35孔径15×120\50×120:前后片(㎜): 丝径2.35-2.65孔径50×60\50×120。左右片(㎜): 丝径2.03-2.35孔径30×100\30×160。抽拉片(㎜): 丝径2.03-2.35孔径20×30\20×60长×宽×高(㎜) 门/套: 只/套 价格1800×600×300 2 50-100只 2000×800×300 2 50-100只 1000×800×280 2 30- 50只 三层阶梯育雏笼可饲养300-600只雏鸡,四层立式笼可饲养200-400只雏鸡。有效节省育雏面积,方便集中管理。独特立式育雏笼设计,增大底网密度,有利于雏鸡生长。阶梯型育雏笼还可作为青年鸡笼使用。鸽子笼:
Cage for egg production and specifications: Materia